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Simply complete the form below, click submit, you will get the price list and a SBM representative will contact you within one business day. Please also feel free to contact us by email or phone.
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Shufersal (Hebrew: שופרסל ), formerly Shufra-Sal, commonly known as Super-sal, is the largest supermarket chain in Israel.As of 2012, Shufersal had 248 stores and 12,400 employees. Shufersal shares are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, and it is a constituent of the TA-100 Index
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To Supersol the quality and variety of our fresh produce is a fundamental part of our promise to the customer. I n our stores , you can find great assortment , excellent quality , the best deals and wonderful prices .
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Shufersal, established in 1958, is Israel’s largest retail chain, operating 248 stores nationwide, covering a total area of 540,997 square meters, and employing approximately 12,400 employees.
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The Waste-Glass Recycling Plant consists of 9 machine units, a bottle supply hopper, a bottle conveyor, a crusher, a cullet mill, powder conveyors, a powder sifter, a mixing machine, a baking machine and a Supersol sizer; and automatic control panels.
Supersol of Westchester and its catering division, The Gourmet Chef is traditional and kosher, providing retail kosher foods for more than 25 years. Located in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center, large selections of grocery, dairy, produce, frozen, fresh beef, and prepared food items are offered.
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SUPER SOL 10/20/30 Product Information Applications Super Sol Acid is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and organic acid which has approximately the same limestone reacting capacity as an equal volume of 10%, 20% or 30% HCI. The mixtures are designed primarily for use in
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